Chiara is a young teacher who lives the horror of war trying desperately to make sense of what is happening. In the aftermath of the armistice, plagued by a thousand doubts and a thousand questions, while she wanders through the bombed-out city, she stops in front of a statue of the Madonna and realizes that God is the only ideal that has not collapsed. Thus she chooses to live the Gospel concretely with a single mission: to ensure that „all may be one“.
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Chiara Lubich – Die Liebe besiegt alles (Fernsehfilm 2021)
Chiara is a young teacher who lives the horror of war try
ing desperately to make sense of what is happening. In th
e aftermath of the armistice, plagued by a thousand doubt
s and a thousand questions, while she wanders through the
bombed-out city, she stops in front of a statue of the M
adonna and realizes that God is the only ideal that has n
ot collapsed. Thus she choos… Alles lesen